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A Little About Us

NW Natural Homes was started in 2021 in Port Angeles, Washington. We offer sustainable custom home building with a mission to create healthy, beautiful homes that reflect our commitment to fine craftsmanship and ecological mindfulness. Founded on the principles of sustainability and quality, we strive to build homes that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations.


James Henderson

Builder & Natural Plaster Specialist

James Henderson is a Contractor living in Washington State.  Building high performance natural homes which include Lime and Clay plasters is his passion.  Growing up in Australia, James started out in conventional construction before moving into Natural Building. Moving to the USA in 2003 James started plastering Straw Bale, Light Straw Clay, Cob, Conventional and Faswall houses for clients.  Always on the search for better ways of doing things, James has been trained in Natural Plaster in Australia, USA, Japan, NZ, Portugal, England and Morocco.


James Published “Earth Render, The art of clay plaster, render and paints.” In 2013.  He has also written numerous articles on Natural Building topics for “The Owner Builder Magazine” and “The Last Straw Journal”.


In 2019 James formed The Natural Plasterers Guild, which he is still the President of. This organization organizes trainings in natural plastering for professional installers. Through this organization James has run trainings in Washington State, Oregon, California, New York and London.


James is a regular presenter at “The Californian Straw Building Association” conference.

Whatever your project, James has the knowledge, experience and systems to help you have a successful outcome.


Noah Flegeal

Fine woodworker and plaster craftsman

Noah Flegeal was born and raised in a timber frame barn with plaster walls.  After stints as a baker, chef, SAT prep teacher, farmer, gardener, and fishing guide, he attended the NW School of Wooden Boatbuilding.  From there, he has continually sought growth and development of his fine woodworking skills, building wooden boats, furniture and cabinetry, treehouses, wooden bowls and urns, and timber frame structures, in addition to custom milling his own lumber.  In applying natural plaster, he found a perfectly complimentary craft to fine woodworking.  He continues to seek challenging projects that blend the two media, and strives to bring out the best of whatever material he's working with.

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